Building Characters - Teaching Holy Quran and Ethics
ELITE school is really concerned about having a key role in supporting the development of citizenship within its students. At ELITE, our “Building character” concept focuses among others on: Teaching Quran and Teaching Ethics
TEATCHING QURAN: The ability to read and recite the Quran with tajweed in a proper and clear way is something that is expected of young Muslims. It’s not always the easiest thing for children to do, but the younger they get started, the more skillful they can become and the more the words will have meaning for them as they grow older. Holy Quran teaches and shows kids all the right ways in which life is to be spent and strengthen their faith and improves them spiritually. Competitions are to be held and prizes are expected to be given to those who make progress in learning and memorizing Quran. TEACHING ETHICS: Together, teachers and students of ELITE, we create a classroom community where students are involved in a range of experiences that promote students’ thinking skills, valuing diversity, and caring for their community.
The study of Ethics helps students to look at their own life critically and to evaluate their actions, choices and decisions. It assists students in knowing what they really are and what is best for them. Studying Ethics helps to sharpen student’s general thinking processes. It trains their mind to think logically and reasonably and to handle moral issues with greater clarity.